Goji berries are a unique fruit that are considered to be a superfood due to the health properties associated with them. They are packed with vitamins and nutrients that set them apart from other dried fruits.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 4.0 starsGoji berries are a unique fruit that are considered to be a superfood due to the health properties associated with them. They are packed with vitamins and nutrients that set them apart from other dried fruits.
Goji berries can be enjoyed as a snack or added to baking or even topping your breakfast bowl - they work great on smoothie bowls along with your favourite nuts, seeds and a dollop of coconut yoghurt.
Gojis have a gentle sweetness with a chewy texture making them a satisfying snack either on their own or as part of a fruit and nut mix. The berries can also be soaked and will become soft and plump. The berries make a bright and healthy garnish for both sweet and savoury dishes.
Antioxidants in goji berries strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of kids constantly developing infections.
Unless children have any specific allergies, they can safely consume this fruit. A 16oz or 28g serving of goji berries (dried) gives us 100 calories and no cholesterol and fat.
you can enjoy eating juicy goji berries while you are expecting. However, you need to watch how many goji berries you eat, as an excess of it can prove harmful to your pregnancy. In fact, goji berry is popular as a superfood to have during pregnancy. The nutritious fruit helps you get rid of a dry cough, dizziness, and lower back pain while expecting. Goji berries promote good growth and development of your fetus. However, if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, or are on anticoagulants, then consult your doctor before you go for goji berries
Goji berries are rich in nutrients. Some early studies using goji berry juice found possible benefits that included:
A feeling of well-being and calmness
Better athletic performance
Better sleep
Weight loss
A boost to your immune system
Higher antioxidant levels
Many berries are good for you. It's not clear whether goji berries are better than other types of berries or if goji berry supplements would have the same health benefits as the berries themselves.
Calories /100g | Energy (Kcal) | Fat (g) | Protein (g) | Sugars (g) | Carbohydrates (g) | Fiber (g) | salt |
331 | 349 | 0.39 | 14.26 | 45.61 | 77.06 | 13 | 0.75 |